When Your Workout Goes From “Gotta” To “Wanna”

I couldn’t clean this climb in my 30’s. Now I’m 55 and it’s a total nothing-burger. So why am I a fitter cyclist at 55 than I was at 37? 20 years ago I made a dumb decision but now it’s my go-to motivation to train. Hope it works for you too!

7 Rules To Be YOUNGER Next Year

70% of “normal aging” can be avoided if we CHOOSE to flip the switch from DECAY to GROWTH. We talk about the “7 Rules” to be younger next year, what I changed in my own life and why every 40+ person needs to read this book.

50 Plus? Before You Pick Up That Dumbbell WATCH THIS

As a 55-year old mountain biker, I’m finally admitting that I have to lift heavy weights and work on things like stability if I’m going to age well. But it turns out there’s a right way and a wrong way to approach it. And I was about to do it all wrong.

20 Years Ago I did THIS And It Changed Me As A Cyclist

I couldn’t clean this climb in my 30’s. Now I’m 55 and it’s a total nothing-burger. So why am I a fitter cyclist at 55 than I was at 37? 20 years ago I made a dumb decision but now it’s my go-to motivation to train. Hope it works for you too!