Get on The Century Ride

And kick ass into your 80s and 90s

Repeat after me: Normal aging is NOT normal. It’s just what most people accept.

But not you, partner! Chances are, like me, you’re a cyclist. Thant means you’re already ahead of the game with some impressive cardio.

So what else do you have to do to have a shot at those bonus years?

Instead of checking into assisted living you could be cycling and skiing in your ‘80s. Down on the floor playing with your grandkids or great grandkids. It’s 100% possible… if you’re checking the critical 6 boxes to a rewarding Second Half.

What are the 6 boxes? That conversation is on its way to your inbox about 5 seconds after you sign up.

We’re mainlining the latest longevity books and marathon podcasts so you don’t have to.

It just makes sense to share the most mind-blowing, did-not-know-that kind of information with you in bite sized pieces so you can fill in the gaps and age like a freakin’ champ.

If you’re into getting the skinny from reliable sources every week or so, sign up! Let’s do this Century Ride together.

Our top, bite-sized “I didn’t know that!” finds from our Century Ride research so you can be kickin’ ass in your ’80s and 90s:

Not interested in flipping the bird to “normal aging”? No worries, unsubscribe anytime. And it goes without saying… your email is just between you and me.